📌Recommendation of ETH Public RPC Nodes

Mar 9, 2023|Mar 6, 2025
Ethereum (ETH) is an open-source platform based on blockchain technology that supports smart contracts, decentralized applications (DApps), and functions such as cryptocurrency token issuance. As a distributed system, the Ethereum network consists of numerous nodes and provides a way to communicate with other nodes through a public Remote Procedure Call (RPC) interface. RPC can be understood as an entry point for accessing the blockchain network, much like a door. All transactions on the ETH chain require this door to be accessed. This article will introduce public RPC nodes for Ethereum.

What is an Ethereum public RPC node?

An Ethereum (ETH) public RPC node provides a crucial interface for interacting with the Ethereum network. Developers can use it to query blockchain data, send transactions, and execute smart contracts through Remote Procedure Calls (RPC). These nodes are typically hosted by third-party service providers and can be accessed via HTTP or WebSocket protocols. They facilitate communication with the Ethereum blockchain (ETH Mainnet) using the JSON-RPC interface, making it easier for developers to build and interact with decentralized applications (dApps) and other blockchain-related services.

Why do we need Ethereum public RPC nodes?

When interacting with and executing trades on the blockchain, applications must communicate with the Ethereum network. Running a full Ethereum client on a personal node for developing dApps and smart contracts can be both resource-intensive and time-consuming. Public RPC nodes offer a more efficient solution, enabling faster data retrieval and transaction execution while minimizing the costs and maintenance involved in deploying a dedicated Ethereum node.
During periods of Ethereum network congestion, switching between public RPC nodes with lower latency can help reduce delays, avoid bottlenecks, and improve transaction speeds, giving users a competitive advantage. However, it's important to understand that switching RPC nodes does not directly lower gas fees. RPC nodes provide access to the blockchain but don't address the overall performance or cost challenges of the Ethereum network as a whole.

What are some commonly used public RPC nodes for Ethereum?

https://mainnet.infura.io - Infura provides hosted node services for Ethereum and IPFS, offering RPC nodes for both the Ethereum mainnet and test networks.
https://cloudflare-eth.com - Cloudflare offers an Ethereum mainnet RPC node.
https://api.mycryptoapi.com/eth - MyCrypto API supplies an Ethereum mainnet RPC node.
https://rpc.slock.it/mainnet - Slock.it hosts an Ethereum mainnet RPC node.
https://eth.rpc.rivet.cloud - Rivet maintains an Ethereum mainnet RPC node.
https://mainnet-rpc.dexon.org - Dexon operates an Ethereum mainnet RPC node.
https://eth-mainnet.alchemyapi.io/v2/{API_KEY} - Alchemy offers an Ethereum mainnet RPC node, with a private API key available upon request.
https://rpc.moonriver.moonbeam.network - Moonriver runs an Ethereum mainnet RPC node.
https://eth.rpc.tor.us - Torus manages an Ethereum mainnet RPC node.
https://mainnet-rpc.thundercore.com - ThunderCore operates an Ethereum mainnet RPC node.
https://rpc.ankr.com/eth - Ankr provides an ETH mainnet RPC node. Their paid version also supports the WebSocket protocol.
These nodes are managed by reputable and secure providers, such as Cloudflare, utilizing advanced service scheduling and edge computing networks to offer faster, more localized access to the Ethereum network, which helps streamline transactions. When selecting a node, I typically perform speed tests on various options and choose the one with the lowest latency. It's also important to note that nodes requiring an API key, such as Alchemy, often experience fewer access requests compared to public alternatives, which can lead to better performance and faster response times.
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